A loving church is a caring church, and we at First Methodist are not shy on caring. Our caring extends beyond the walls of the church to our community and world. You do not have to be a member to benefit from this ministry. If you do join however, you will be enfolded into a caring community of love and support.
Prayer Breakfast
Every Tuesday morning at 7:00 am in the Fellowship Hall both men and women gather to pray, sign cards, and share in a light meal. Members and non-members alike come together to show their support for the community and pray for those experiencing various challenges. We'd love to see you there!
Homebound Visitation
For those unable to attend church on a Sunday morning a group of volunteers will deliver communion on the first Sundays of the month as well as a recording of the service every Monday.
Prayer Blankets
Prayer blankets are made by the Piece Makers group that meets every Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. These knitted blankets are then delivered to individuals or families as a tangible sign of our love and support.
Transportation Ministry
If you are unable to drive, members of our transportation ministry would be happy to help you get to doctors appointments. Call the church office for more information.